Page for Chad Gibson
Chad Gibson: Well if it worked for your wife that is great. Every study I have ever seen says that eating meat is the biggest contributer [sic] to heart disease. But my biggest motivator is the animals and the injustice they receive! But you onviously [sic] dont [sic] care about that or you wouldnt [sic] be on the omnivore ( I assume you do eat some veggies amd [sic] fruit so u cant be a carnivore?) diet. Lets take the animals out the equation then. You really believe apart from the overwhelming evidence that a meat diet is better for you?? 😲 😲 apparently you do. So lets take that off the table then. How about environment perhaps thats [sic] neutral is meat diet better for environment and how can the world possibly feed all the people on a largely meat based diet as u [sic] suggest.
I didn't say that my wife was on a carnivore diet. If you read the page I first linked then you would see that I described myself as a hypercarnivore where at least 70% of what I consume is animal-based.
My wife got sick from eating too much bran and grains as well as having too high a glucose content in her diet. She removed most of the glucose by going low carb, high fat, and that helped get rid of her bowel cancer.
You mention "every study you have ever seen says that meat is the biggest contributor to heart disease" - yet you don't cite one. While you go and find such an article (science based of course), perhaps you could also look over my page on heart disease? In it you may well find good science that is a rebuttal your claim.
You talk about "overwhelming evidence" that
My wife got sick from eating too much bran and grains as well as having too high a glucose content in her diet. She removed most of the glucose by going low carb, high fat, and that helped get rid of her bowel cancer.
You mention "every study you have ever seen says that meat is the biggest contributor to heart disease" - yet you don't cite one. While you go and find such an article (science based of course), perhaps you could also look over my page on heart disease? In it you may well find good science that is a rebuttal your claim.
You talk about "overwhelming evidence" that
Chad Gibson: Gregg Sheehan i can put 100 links to your one link that contradict those links but I wont I will simply copy my post that I mentioned to Niall Tierney before
It would be helpful Chad, if you would put up just one link to a science-based article that contradicts any of the information contained in any of the links I've provided on my pages. That way I could perhaps see where you are coming from and whether there is likely to be any information I can help you with or whether it would be a waste of my time - I suspect the latter going by your earlier comment about your biggest motivator being the concern for the animals.