Phil Escott
Arthritis: The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
Phil's journey of recovery from rheumatoid arthritis
Phil's journey of recovery from rheumatoid arthritis
Phil put together a great little e-book with 69 frequently asked questions and the concise answers to each - it only costs $11 and is a great way to support the work he is doing.
Starting carnivory can be a bit daunting until you realise how incredibly simple it actually is. This ebook will give everyone starting this magical way of eating a head start and dispel some of the myths about carnivory and the doubts people face. I get asked the same questions over and over again. At the end of 2018, I thought I’d put together 69 FAQs to give you an easy reference for everything you need to know.
Carnivore Diet: Isn't Eating Only Meat Boring?
Carnivore Diet and Non Violence / "Ahimsa"
Phil has created a course to share some of the secrets he has learned, through experience, to help people back from crippling health issues.
Author of Best Selling Kindle Book "Arthritis - the best thing that ever happened to me"Phil Escott is a health writer, personal trainer, novelist and drummer who has spent many years in the health and fitness industry, running a gym, writing for many magazines and training hundreds of clients successfully.
Due to a crippling bout of inflammatory arthritis in 2010, which he reversed by natural means, further intense study revealed many “secrets” of healing normally hidden behind the misleading conventional medical and “health” dogma. His aim now is to share this knowledge with as many as possible to help them attain their health and happiness goals too.
Phil has created a course to help people get through their health issues
Autoimmunity: The Subtraction Method
Autoimmunity: The Subtraction Method