Hugh Khan
On Veganism
The Religious Insanity of Veganism, first do real harm.
First drafted 21/10/2018.
Those of us enlightened as to scientific benefits of (applied) Carnivory find it most irksome when the leaf-eaters spout their indoctrinated heresy as to presumed virtues of their plant-only consumption. This brief essay will address saliently popular arguments of the day and why they are all delusion. I shall dispense with formality for this post just to show I am capable of emotion apart from anger because meat-eating has made me an Alpha-Omega male that certainly impresses the ladiez.
Now fuck off and eat your plants you g'damned morons.
The Religious Insanity of Veganism, first do real harm.
First drafted 21/10/2018.
Those of us enlightened as to scientific benefits of (applied) Carnivory find it most irksome when the leaf-eaters spout their indoctrinated heresy as to presumed virtues of their plant-only consumption. This brief essay will address saliently popular arguments of the day and why they are all delusion. I shall dispense with formality for this post just to show I am capable of emotion apart from anger because meat-eating has made me an Alpha-Omega male that certainly impresses the ladiez.
- Good for health because it's low fat, low cholesterol etc.
It's low in nutrients. Period. The low fat/cholesterol myth is just that.
Starving yourself this vegan way is a slow and painful death. It's certainly high in sugar which is toxic regardless of how genetically insulin sensitive one is and how much one "works out". Why haven't you worked out that plants are toxic? It's also high fructose, if one eats fruit, and fructose should be renamed as fucktose because that's what happens to your liver when it gets fatty due to fucktose over-consumption. Those idiots eating kilos of bananas a day, get a life. Them ladies ain't gonna want to eat your banana you loser.
It's high in anti-nutrients and all such toxic crap. Lectins, gluten, gliadin, oxalates, phytates, etc. Toxins intrinsic to the plant. Because that's how they are. Go sue God.
And why do many of you need pills/injections to stay healthy? Why? Because you aren't getting your b12 from the faecal traces/bacteria on your plants, that's why. - Good for the environment.
No. Because fuck you.
And the observational and research data shows a happy symbiosis with nature when good animal husbandry is practiced.
And fuck you again PETA for saying it's ok to kill field mice to grow crops. I eat what I kill without going on a moral high horse saying it's ok to kill animals to grow crops. That's the epitome of hypocrisy. - It's the "right" thing to do.
Imposing your morals on me should allow me to impose mine on you. But such (dis)respect is a one-way street because the current sociopolitical climate allows you to cry rape and I am immediately guilty until proven otherwise. It must be soothing for your chip on shoulder to let you get on your vegan soapbox and pander to your tall poppy syndrome.
If you wish to discuss this from a point of theology, you have no grounds either. Please don't cherry-pick from the Bible or other seminal texts from the majority of faiths because at the end of the day, none of them remotely support your stance in its absolute shape or form. So you create your own religion, this first-world mountain you vegan fucks have created from a retarded molehill as a means to feel special and self-validate. Most normal people simply resort to auto-eroticism to obtain (immediate) gratification but no, your extra special needs have to take the form of extra special eating, and you want to make the short bus long.
It's the very wrong thing to do when children end up dead or disabled from abuse of plant-eating by their vegan parents. Veganism is its own eugenics program where they literally destroy their offspring and by this token remove themselves from the genepool. This would be acceptable but for the assault on good farmers and good people who by token of eating meat are considered good. - It's cost effective nutrition.
No. It's. Not.
Health is wealth. Eating plants = bad for health. Eating plants is too damn costly because they are a poor source of nutrition and they are poison. Save yourself the trouble, burning your money and fasting rather than eating plants still is more cost effective and healthy than eating plants. - Animals are sentient beings.
So are plants. So are human beings. Even bacteria are arguably sentient, how dare you boil your water.
Why is your vegan sentience (arbitrarily) superior to mine or that of plants? Who decided you should have greater sociopoliticalcultural clout? Fuck you, that's who.
You're trying to champion the rights of animals and their feelings is nothing more than your trying to validate your own inadequate feelings because mommy and daddy didn't love you as a child and/or because of some other unresolved hurt/guilt. So find a shrink you can work with. I dare you to turn up on my turf because I will shoot you for trespassing. Thank God some laws still have common sense, something you vegan shits sorely lack.
Now fuck off and eat your plants you g'damned morons.