Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates
- L-Glycine: a novel antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, and cytoprotective agent
- Understanding the Warburg effect
- Cancer as a metabolic disease
- Is there a role for carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer?
- The ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy prolong survival in mice with systemic metastatic cancer
- Acetoacetate reduces growth and ATP concentration in cancer cell lines which over-express uncoupling protein 2
- Ketogenic diet for obesity: Friend or Foe?
- What happens to food when it enters your digestive system? Does meat really rot in the gut (as some vegetarians would have us believe?)
- Comparison with ancestral diets suggests dense acellular carbohydrates promote an inflammatory microbiota, and may be the primary dietary cause of leptin resistance and obesity
- The problem with grains, pseudo-grains and legumes
- Running vs strength training
- On gluten sensitivity (or wheat sensitivity - whatever)
- Less fibre in your diet relieves constipation, bloating, gastrointestinal pain and straining
- Fiber and colorectal diseases: Separating fact from fiction
- The case for the sun
- All you ever needed to know about fibre (or fiber as they call it in Merica)
- Moving back to animal fats in our diet will help fix a lot of our current ailments
- Do you think that you will lose 1lb of fat if you create a deficit of 3500 calories? Is this even a thing?
- Grain the cause of our dental problems? Certainly explains why Maori dental health declined so soon after the European arrived.
- Frequent Small Meals Can Stall Fast, Lasting Fat Loss
- Clinical trial comparing low fat to low carb diets - 23 of them
- Article on how the brain processes ketones as opposed to glucose for fuel
- Article on Trans fats
- After controlling for variables, they found that vegetarians did have lower BMI and alcohol consumption but had poorer overall health. Vegetarians had higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders, a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life. As a result, vegetarians take more medications than non-vegetarians.
- Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey
- Vitamin B12 status and rate of brain volume loss in community-dwelling elderly
Using tests and brain scans on community-dwelling volunteers aged 61 to 87 years without cognitive impairment at enrolment, they measured the size of the participants' brains. When the volunteers were retested five years later the scientists found those with the lowest levels of vitamin B12 intake were the most likely to have brain shrinkage. Not surprisingly, vegans who eschew all foods of animal origin, suffered the most brain shrinkage. This confirms earlier research showing a link between brain atrophy and low levels of B12. - Zoe Harcombe's list of studies questioning current dietary advice
- Red meat - time for a paradigm shift
- Vitamins including C - according to the Bear (Owsley Stanley)
- MSG - Good or Bad - a discussion on the pros and cons of monosodium glutamate with links to the studies that show whatever result either way...
- Meat will kill you and save your life - a discourse by Tom Naughton with links to appropriate observational studies showing that meat eating cannot be proved to do anything
- What has happened as a result of government guidelines to eat less fat over the last 40 years?
- Vitamin D and Sunlight for Cancer Prevention
- I tested my vitamin D, what do my results mean?
- The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner By Lyle McDonald
- Gout - a discussion by Chris Kresser
- Gout - The missing Chapter from Good Calories - Bad Calories
- Gout - Ketones and Uric acid competing for excretion
Gluten and Gliaden
- Effect of gliadin on permeability of intestinal biopsy explants from celiac disease patients and patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity
Increased intestinal permeability after gliadin exposure occurs in all individuals. Following gliadin exposure, both patients with gluten sensitivity and those with active celiac disease demonstrate a greater increase in intestinal permeability than celiacs in disease remission. - Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease
We have shown that in all of us bread makes the gut wall more permeable, encouraging the migration of toxins and undigested food particles to sites where they can alert the immune system. We have shown that in all of us the digestion of grain and dairy generates opioid-like compounds, and that these cause mental derangement if they make it to the brain. - The Dietary Intake of Wheat and other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation
In this review we discuss evidence from in vitro, in vivo and human intervention studies that describe how the consumption of wheat, but also other cereal grains, can contribute to the manifestation of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases by increasing intestinal permeability and initiating a pro-inflammatory immune response.
What is the case for resistant starch in our diet, can it help protect against colo-rectal cancer?